Global warming, fueled by rising greenhouse gas emissions, is a concerning issue. India, now the 3rd-largest emitter globally, faces a challenge to counter the emission levels. With the rapidly growing aviation industry being one of the largest contributors, India must address the escalating carbon footprint amid increased air travel and climate change concerns.
While the GOI recently introduced CORSIA (Carbon Offsetting & Reduction Scheme for Aviation) and airports have initiated stakeholders engagement to curb carbon emissions, there's little to no effort to educate travelers about environmental impacts.
Nudges are liberty-preserving approaches that steer people in particular directions, but also allow them to go their own way. They maintain freedom of choice and transparency.
What are nudges?
“Nationalism” as a nudge during Covid-19
Signages for safety (eg. “keep left”, “school ahead”, “accident prone zone”
Examples of nudges:
Reminder notifications for subscription renewals (eg. newsletters, OTT platforms etc.)
Digital nudging is ”the use of user-interface design elements to guide people’s behavior in digital choice environments”.
What are digital nudges?
Examples of digital nudges:
Nudges can be on digital platforms as well
Our idea is to harness it’s potential.
To guide users in digital flight booking websites towards a more sustainable travel behavior.

Img 1. UI element to induce urgency (screenshot form amazon.in)
Img 2. Reminder nudge(screenshot form Practo mobile App)
Img 3. Check box for increase in ease and convenience (screenshot form Practo mobile App)
Existing Design
Nudge for cheap flights
Nudges for promoting website offers
No eco- Nudge


Nudge for cheap flights
Nudges for promoting website offers
No eco- Nudge
Nudge for cheapest flights
Informative Nudges
Nudges for promoting time to book
cheapest flight
Eco-Nudge for carbon emission
Google Flights

Research Questions:
How do the effects of increase in ease and convinience, simplification, and social norm nudges compare to each other in terms of influencing user choices for ESB/environmentally sustainable flights?
Do users exhibit different behavioral patterns in flight choice when exposed to different nudge types?
Does the implementation of digital nudging strategies on the Fight booking platform influence users to choose more environmentally friendly flight options?
Investigate the effectiveness of introducing and testing different digital nudging strategies on the Google flights to encourage users to make environmentally sustainable choices when booking flights, contributing to a broader goal of fostering eco-friendly consumer behavior.

Nudging Elements
Default Rules
Use of Social
Increase in ease and convenience
Warnings, graphics or otherwise
Precommitment Strategies
Eliciting implementaion intentions
Informing people of the nature and consequences of their own past choices
Nudge types and selected nudges:
All nudging elements
Use of Social Norms
Increase in ease and convenience
Using these nudges we created 4 Treatments:
Treatments ->

Copyright 2024 by Anumeha Patoria